
We give a helping hand for helpless


Building businesses, Empowering women
Marriage Help

Adapt And Do Not Hesitate To Learn New Things After Marriage

Few things will alter after marriage. You may have to begin doing domestic tasks, managing household money, or modifying your lifestyle to accommodate your spouse and his family. Instead of disregarding these changes, attempt to adapt and learn from them.

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Building businesses, Empowering women
Ration Distribution

After Meeting with Accident, the life has changed

The globe is experiencing unprecedented times. In urban India, the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic is generating disruption and anxiety among regular wage/salaried employees. These wage earners face unclear hurdles in achieving their daily food needs. People living in poverty, as is often the case, suffer the most. Destitute and elderly persons who live alone at home with few means to cover their basic needs.

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Building businesses, Empowering women
Financial Help

Financial Problems Can Take a Huge Toll on Your Mental and Physical Health

Raah-e-Najaat offers emergency assistance and support with food, shelter, and bills, as well as emotional support, and the most importantly advocating them for managing proper cashflow (based on their income) in order to meet all their upcoming events and requirements for life. We aim to provide helping hand to deserving and marginalized families to overcome their financial difficulties.

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Building businesses, Empowering women
Ration Distribution

The lockdown has resulted in loss of livelihoods

which is generating severe financial anguish and food insecurity among the economically marginalised communities, particularly daily wagers, domestic workers, construction labourers, homeless people, and slum dwellers, Thousands of people seeking meals in homeless shelters in India demonstrate the extent of the hardship. In the lack of necessary procedures, many people are sent away without meals.

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Building businesses, Empowering women
Marriage Help

Your Husband Deserves Your Appreciation, And His Space After Marriage

Men value their individuality even after marriage, so don't attempt to modify him too much. Accept him exactly as he is if you want him to accept you exactly as you are. Also, thank your partner for the things he does for you and your family, no matter how small or significant.

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Building businesses, Empowering women

Education is the key to success

In India girls and boys experience adolescence differently. While boys tend to experience greater freedom, girls tend to face extensive limitations on their ability to move freely and to make decisions affecting their work, education, marriage and social relationships, but here in this story we come across contrasting issues with Syeda Siraj Ul Fatima education quandary. SYEDA SIRAJ UL AEN FATIMA – She is student of grade 1, her story comes from th..

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SYEDA SIRAJ UL AEN FATIMA – She is student of grade 1, her story comes from the family with financial predicaments, her father runs a small shop business on which there family survival is solely depended, due to deficiency of cash-flow she was deprived of education and force to stay at home for extended period of time, one day while Raah-e-najaat team was conducting awareness programes with marginalized families who face similar issues of as Syeda Siraj Ul Aen Fatima’s family has, her father Syed Fazal Abedi was participant in this program and elucidated his financial situation and reasons of non-payment of her child’s school fees after a long conversation and counselling him and his family he seeks the assistance to solve her child’s due fees, which is obviously not easy for any family with more than 4 members to manage the child’s education easily, especially when their parents are not well educated and not doing any major work for survival, but it doesn’t mean they have to overlook the significance of education in their child’s life.

What we believe

The overall development of a child depends on the Education he/she is provided. Childhood forms the foundation of essential qualities such as curiosity, inquisitiveness, learning ability, along with social, moral, and emotional development. Education is a key that imparts good qualities in a child and aids his growth as a happy, healthy and qualified individual. Education helps in the contribution of the growth and development of the nation as well as achieve individual success.

Our Impact

  • Management of monthly income & Expense Budgeting
  • How to utilize the resources
  • Prioritise the monthly requirements
  • Start creating fund for emergencies

Child Name: Syeda Siraj Ul Aen Fatima

Father Name: Syed Fazal Abedi

School Name:IZM Sajjadiya (Canada) Girls High School

Location: Hyderabad, Telangana – India

Building businesses, Empowering women
Marriage Help

This will always be your home

Even though we live in a society where most girls are told that after marriage their husband’s home is their only home, but that is not true. Father’s home too is your home and your family, and the doors to father’s home and to his hearts are always open for his children.

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Building businesses, Empowering women
Marriage Help

Words Of Wisdom for Daughter’s Marriage

Especially from a father, are one of the nicest presents a daughter can get, especially as she is about to embark on a new chapter in her life. So, if your daughter is getting married, make sure you take some time to give her marriage and relationship advise.

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