
We give a helping hand for hopeless peoples


The Board consists of a group of highly accomplished professionals from public, private and development sector who share a common passion for empowering women and girls to alleviate poverty and reduce social exclusion. The board chaired by Mr. Mirza Ali provides governance and leadership for enabling Raah-e-najaat foundation accomplish its mission. The board is actively engaged in governing Raah-e-najaat as a lead development institution in the country working in close collaboration with other development partners.

Mirza Bahadur Ali

Founder & Board Chairperson


Executive Director & Board Member

Raah-e-najaat has a leadership team which is a blend of professionals from the private and development sector. They bring a wide range of experience to bear upon development challenges and create innovative solutions for long term sustainable impact on the ground.

Mirza Askari Ali Khan

Public relations Office

Mirza Yousuf Hussain

General Secretary

Mohd Raza Ali Khan

Survey Manager, Head of Strategy