
We give a helping hand for Child-Education


Providing underprivileged females with Overview

Countless households in South Asian nations are unable to marry off their daughters and sisters due to extreme poverty. Unfortunately, it is fairly unusual for people to turn to extreme actions such as suicide as a result of societal pressures. An organisation that exists solely to benefit mankind is a breath of fresh air in today's modern society, when individuals are imprisoned in a world of commercialism and materialism. Since 2007, the Raah-e-Najaat Foundation has been offering that breath of fresh air via a variety of humanitarian programmes in economically challenged parts of India.

Raah-e-Najaat Foundation intends to help families in these tough situations by giving essential necessities for newlywed females like as gowns, shoes, cutlery, beds, fans, sewing machines, and other items, as well as cash aid to offset marriage expenditures. It costs between $200 and $300 to sponsor the marriage of one young woman, depending on the locality. The Container Shipment for In-Kind Donations project

provides families with goods for married girls in addition to freshly purchased stuff. We take the finest measures to promote the social security of girls and support them, in order to care for the disadvantaged along with the deep association of the society for the development of their life, who are anxiously awaiting our help, we also give some of the critical aids in strengthening the core areas of our female child, which may save and build a brighter future tomorrow.

The Importance of Marriage in Society

Marriage is one of the most treasured relationships between the two families. As an inseparable relationship, this might lead to an increase in contentment between the two. With the depth of love and satisfaction shared by the two, it is also true that there is a strong need to foster security and well-being in order to encourage good health and the presence of happiness among newlywed brides. Come forward to preach the message of happiness and joy in this day and age. Raah-e-Najaat Foundation is the greatest and most trustworthy philanthropic partner for marriage, with the goal of providing security to girls and encouraging their well-being for a brighter tomorrow.

Through our programmes and campaigns, we raise the necessary funds for eligible girls' marriages from individuals in better-off living conditions and the privileged segments of society, and the monies we raise are directly provided to the girl's family throughout the marriage process. Many families are unable to support a marriage financially. We gladly share the financial burden on their shoulders while we endeavour to ensure a successful event. As we all know, women's empowerment is still an ongoing reality, and the female gender has yet to reach full freedom. After living with their fathers, they are moved to live with their husbands and in-laws. The Raah-e-Najaat Foundation provides the bride with the most basic and required things for the marriage and after-marriage ceremonies, such as food, clothes, bedding, shoes, and so on. The joy a family receives from protecting a girl's life and marrying her to the preferred husband while keeping the family's respect and customs in mind is priceless.

Our Focus Areas




Disaster Management

Marriages of Orphans and Poor Women

Numerous citizens are unable to marry off their daughters and sisters due to unconscionable poverty. Those from low-income households are unable to provide large quantities of money as dowry to the bridegroom at the time of the wedding, which often forces them into debt and loans. In such cases, women are forced to engage in illegal activities in order to survive. Our goal is to discourage such behaviour by encouraging these ladies to marry and giving them the basic necessities to start a new life.

Raah-e-Najaat Foundation provides financial assistance to orphan ladies and destitute parents in tough conditions in order to purchase vital wedding present items. The Raah-e-Najaat charity also provides financial aid to defray other wedding expenditures. best task one can do to obtain inner peace and satisfaction is to provide a helping hand in wiping away the tears of the poor and needy. Raah-e-Najaat campaigns actively participate in the upliftment of the impoverished in order to support our efforts to eradicate suffering across the country.

How you can help us

Just call at+91 7671993991 to make a donation