
We give a helping hand for hopeless peoples


Approach towards Quality Improvement in Public Healthcare Facilities

Latest developments in India's health-care ecosystem necessitate new and adaptable techniques to improve results and eliminate inefficiency. Design Thinking is a creative problem-solving technique that harnesses ideas from end-users of new goods, services, and experiences to generate best-fit solutions that are swiftly prototyped and iteratively improved.

When compared to traditional problem-solving methodologies in health care and other public health-related disciplines, Design Thinking results in more successful and long-term interventions. Design Thinking has improved patient, provider, and community satisfaction, and in public health, it has boosted efficiency and collaboration in intervention implementation.

  • Evidence demonstrates that in order to boost productivity and solve inefficiencies, the health care personnel must be innovative.
  • Innovation is especially difficult in public health because issues are often complicated, dynamic, and context-specific, and they can occur rapidly and unexpectedly, necessitating quick and efficient answers.
  • However, existing health care and public health educational paradigms give little instruction in creative thinking and innovative abilities.
  • As a result, traditional public health education may be supplemented with new, non-linear, adaptable, and cost-effective techniques.
  • Design Thinking is one such tool; it is an innovative approach to problem solving that uses insights from end-users of new products, services, and experiences to develop best-fit solutions that are rapidly prototyped and iteratively refined so that they can be deployed quickly and cost-effectively.
  • It is a "human-centric" method that entails developing solutions together with target audiences, empathising, producing a clear and brief issue statement, creative brainstorming, and low-fidelity prototype.
  • Design Thinking guides the early stages of innovation by eliciting profound empathy for users and a thorough grasp of the difficulties they face.

Although significant advances in science and technology, the Indian health-care system continues to suffer from widespread inefficiencies, such as unequal access, inconsistent quality, and exorbitant expenditures in comparison to other nations.

Team-Based Goals and Incentives

Raah-e-Najaat worked with local hospitals and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to arrange and facilitate training sessions for Front Line Workers (FLW) at health sub centres and improving public healthcare services.

  • Increasing the community's connection to the main healthcare system.
  • FLWs get continual training and supportive supervision.
  • Increasing ASHA and AWW collaboration and coordination.
  • Reviewing and planning FLW initiatives based on community needs indicated through data obtained during home visits.
  • Implementing the Team Goals and Incentives (TGI) innovation to boost their motivation and job performance by leveraging the power of incentives, teamwork, and goal setting.
  • 5 Steps strategy to achieve desire results, 1. Learn 2. Define 3. Ideate 4. Prototype 5. Test

A Digital Scale for Weighing Newborn Babies

Assessing A Newborn's Weight

A baby's birth weight is an important indicator of health. The average weight for full-term babies (born between 37 and 41 weeks gestation) is about 7 pounds (3.2 kg). In general, small babies and very large babies are more likely to have problems. Newborn babies may lose as much as 10% of their birth weight. This means that a baby weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces at birth might lose as much as 10 ounces in the first few days. On monthly hospital visits, the Raah-e-Najaat team collaborates with a monitoring team to detect, follow, and care for babies with very low birth weight. The adoption of a basic and inexpensive tool—a digital scale—is a significant component of this invention, boosting the ANM's accuracy in estimating the weight of babies soon after birth

  • Establishing correct weights to assist ANMs, ASHAs, and AWWs in providing particular care to low birth weight newborns during the first critical weeks of their lives.
  • Coordination with all FLWs in the family's neighbourhood to ensure that follow-up visits and advice on these life-saving subjects are scheduled

STEM programming instils a scientific temperament in children, allowing them to solve real-world problems.

Raah-e-Najaat through its STEM education focuses on developing scientific research in children by assisting them in exploring relevant topics in their community. Education systems are intricate. Alignment among families, educators, and decision makers is required to enrol and educate all children. It necessitates common goals and national policies that prioritise learning. It also necessitates data gathering and regular monitoring to assist policymakers in determining what works, who benefits, and who falls behind. Education systems that are strong are inclusive and gender-equitable. They promote early learning and multilingual education, as well as innovative approaches to reaching the most disadvantaged children and adolescents.

Education systems are intricate. Alignment among families, educators, and decision makers is required to enrol and educate all children. It necessitates common goals and national policies that prioritise learning. It also necessitates data gathering and regular monitoring to assist policymakers in determining what works, who benefits, and who falls behind. Education systems that are strong are inclusive and gender-equitable. They promote early learning and multilingual education, as well as innovative approaches to reaching the most disadvantaged children and adolescents.

Innovation in education by Raah-e-Najaat

  • Teaching youngsters how to utilise various scientific instruments for investigation.
  • guiding kids to perform small-scale research in which they investigate topics from their local surroundings, use scientific inquiry methods to develop solutions, and confirm answers by attempting them
  • Creating learning opportunities for youngsters to become more aware of their surroundings, examine, explore, and seek solutions.

Education innovation is much more than just new technologies. It is about addressing a genuine problem in a novel and straightforward manner in order to promote fairness and increase learning. Education innovation may take various shapes. Programs, services, procedures, products, and partnerships may all be used to improve education results in novel ways, such as tailored games on solar-powered tablets that offer arithmetic lessons to youngsters in India's rural areas. Education innovation scales the answer to the magnitude of the difficulty. It taps into the creativity and experience of communities, such as a programme in Hyderabad that enables local families and grandmothers to support early childhood education, to guarantee that choices are made by people who will be most affected by their consequences. Many educators and community members are already at work as innovators. Raah-e-Najaat works with partners to uncover, foster, and grow promising solutions that contribute to the realisation of every child's right to learn.

Early Childhood Reading Materials in Indigenous Tribal Languages

  • Providing children from marginalised groups with a strong feeling of identity and the ability to read in their mother tongue
  • Creating reading tools to aid with language development
  • Developing extra reading resources in underserved languages for early grades in two states.
  • Activating local community members and teachers' participation.

Organic interaction using Community-School with Multi-Pronged Approach

One of the major difficulties in intervention districts is a lack of parental involvement in school operations, particularly among fathers. Fathers continue to work and move, while mothers are not permitted to attend school because certain religious authorities dislike women's presence in public areas. Raah-e-Najaat intends to change this.

Starting a conversation with religious leaders and fathers of girls about the need of parental involvement in schools

Using a multi-pronged approach of community meetings with moms and dads and community lectures in schools.

Organizing parent-teacher conferences on a regular basis to address the accomplishments and concerns of girls.

Why Is it Important to Have Creative Problem-Solving Skills?

By definition, creative problem-solving requires pupils to think outside the box and to avoid well-worn, sterile routes of thought. This not only motivates student learning, encourages engagement, and inspires deeper learning, but the practical implications of this higher-level thinking talent are nearly limitless. In the continuously changing world of work, for example, it is difficult to imagine a talent more useful than the capacity to produce inventive solutions to the specific difficulties that will occur and that are impossible to forecast ahead of time. Outside of the workplace, in our hectic everyday lives, the innumerable challenges that arise from day-to-day life can also be handled by a creative problem-solving strategy. When students properly improve their creative problem-solving talents, they have acquired a valuable weapon to combat difficulties that they will face in school, business, or their personal life. Teaching creative problem-solving in the classroom has its own set of obstacles due to its often-hazy nature. However, it is feasible to cultivate a culture of problem-solving creativity. Raah-e-najaat strives to present a range of ideas, tools, and exercises to assist students in developing creative problem-solving abilities.

Gender, Equity, and Safety and Security District Resource Group (DRG) to Support Teachers

Raah-e-Najaat outlined DRG's role and responsibilities in the training of nodal teachers in schools in order to revitalise school-based leadership platforms to encourage girls' leadership.

  • Providing ongoing support to teachers on leadership concerns beyond the life of the project
  • Creating district resource groups that were trained in gender and equality initiatives
  • Developing a complete awareness of children's safety and security, particularly that of females.

Gender Nutrition Framework

Promoting economic fairness from a gendered viewpoint has the potential to provide good results, contributing to economic growth and having far-reaching repercussions for social development. Promoting greater economic engagement among women may introduce new players into labour markets, making them more competitive, resulting in productivity increases and incentivizing more investments in physical capital, all of which lead to income development. Furthermore, economic empowerment of women may contribute to socioeconomic gains through greater access to basic requirements including food and nutrition, healthcare, and education for women and girls, suggesting overall success toward SDG 5. (gender equality).

  • Improving their nutritional decisions in the household.
  • Women's collectives are being empowered to develop a nutrified system.
  • Creating a Gender-Nutrition Framework (GNF) to place gender transformational change in the hands of women at the heart of behaviour change communication.
  • Gender equity and equality-based decision making and intervention to ensure long-term nutrition results.

Module of Neighbourhood Nursery Unit

Homestead Food Yard (HFY) initiative to promote a possible source of food that provides a year-round supply of seasonal vegetables and fruits.

  • Supplementing the nutrition requirement of small-holder family members.
  • Providing nutritional support to small-holder family members.
  • With the Self-Help Groups (SHG) controlled Module of Neighbourhood Nursery Unit, the crucial issue of timely supply of excellent quality seedlings at an optimal price as per necessity and choice is addressed (MNNU).
  • The SHG raised select seasonal crops and seedlings of perennial trees in accordance with the prescribed package of procedures.
  • Increasing community engagement via technical assistance from the project.

Women are important to food security, particularly in poor nations when food is already limited. Women, more than any other group, are at the centre of food security due to their productive and reproductive activities.

This is true in India, where women control their household's eating habits, dietary patterns, nutritional and food security status as both farmers and home administrators. This brief contends that improving female nutritional literacy is a key policy strategy that Indian authorities and development partners should consider when developing and executing food security policies.

Women account for more than 40% of the worldwide agricultural labour, with an even higher share in emerging nations. Crop breeders need greater market intelligence to identify the features women favour in crops so that they, too, may benefit from genetically altered crops in order to increase global food security and end hunger. Women who farm frequently emphasise other requirements in their jobs as mothers, carers, and custodians of houses, whereas men who farm are more inclined to prioritise high yields and disease resistance because this often correlates to better revenues when selling. The conclusion for crop breeders is that in order for a new variety to be extensively embraced by both men and women, it must be appealing to both men trying to raise their incomes and women who take on more responsibility for household nutrition.

Sustainable Household Energy (SHE) Schools

SHE Schools function as learning cohorts of Self-Help Groups and as grounds for practice-based capacity building of women on clean energy and ICS options.

  • Adoption of clean energy practices, thereby improving health outcomes, clean household air and empowered women.
  • Providing a space for gender dialogues between women and their spouses on various occasions and other influential community members.
  • Admitting membership of around 10-50 women coming from two SHGs in the same village.

What we seek?

  • The SDG Innovation Challenge is available to young people from all over India.
  • You want to work across fields and learn from the best brains tackling sustainable development from the ground up? Here's a chance for young Indian social entrepreneurs and innovators to improve the world one idea at a time!
  • A link to this year's challenge theme: Transformative Responses to Global Challenges - Responsibility for Using Youth Action to Create and Empower
  • a strong desire to improve people's lives in your town and beyond
  • A genuine interest in sustainability and a willingness to contribute to the advancement of the SDGs in your town and beyond
  • The desire to work in an agile hackathon-like setting, to participate actively, and to brainstorm extensively throughout the event.
  • • The desire to work in an agile hackathon-like setting, to participate actively, and to brainstorm extensively throughout the event.
  • The capacity to collaborate in a multidisciplinary team
  • The commitment to see the concept through to completion and to stay involved with the cause after the SDG Innovation Challenge

Establishment of Community Based Early Warning System (CBEWS) to Reduce Disasters Risk

A Community-Based Early Warning System (CBEWS) is a system developed, managed, and maintained by the community itself that enables individuals and communities threatened by hazards to act in adequate time and in an appropriate manner in order to reduce the possibility of personal injury, loss of life, property damage, environmental damage, and loss of livelihood. Community Based Early Warning Systems (CBEWS) strive to assist communities in successfully utilising local resources and capacities to better plan for and respond to disasters, as well as implement actions to lessen their susceptibility.

Raah-e-Najaat produced a community-based early warning system in two villages in Telangana State to eliminate any delays in early warning information reaching people in disaster-prone regions

  • Discussions with the Hazard Analyst and the District Emergency Operation Centre
  • Increasing participation and ability among vulnerable populations
  • Formation of community task teams and training in risk identification, monitoring, and warning communication
  • Providing task troops with tools such as megaphones, whistles, flags, and torches.
  • Mock exercises are being organised to evaluate the capabilities of community-based early warning systems
  • Every family in each community will receive a system warning.
  • enabling individuals to take appropriate action to safeguard their lives and property
  • Developing and spreading information via village wall murals.

What are Disaster complications?

Disasters are commonly regarded as external shocks, although disaster risk is the outcome of a complex interplay between development processes that produce circumstances of exposure, susceptibility, and hazard. Disaster risk is therefore defined as the sum of a hazard's intensity and frequency, the number of persons and assets exposed to the danger, and their vulnerability to destruction. The term "intensive risk" refers to disaster risk associated with low-probability, high-impact occurrences, whereas "extensive risk" refers to disaster risk associated with high-probability, low-impact events. Disaster losses and consequences typically have as much to do with the exposure and susceptibility of individuals and places as they do with the intensity of the hazard occurrence. The characteristics of disaster risk are numerous. To comprehend catastrophe risk, it is critical to recognise that it is:

Looking forward - the potential of loss of life, devastation, and damage in a certain time period It is dynamic - in the sense that it can rise or decrease depending on our capacity to lessen vulnerability. Invisible - it consists not only of the danger of high-impact occurrences, but also of regular, low-impact ones that are frequently concealed. Hazards are unevenly distributed around the globe - nonetheless, the distribution of catastrophe risk reflects the social construction of exposure and vulnerability in various nations. Emerging and complicated - Many processes, such as climate change and international economic expansion, are generating new, interrelated threats.

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