Raah-e-najaat for hopeless peoples

We give a helping hand for hopeless peoples


Raah-e-Najaat aims to empower marginalised women and girls to promote equitable change via programmes that provide quality healthcare, inclusive education, gender equal and sustainable livelihood possibilities, and disaster relief and preparedness. Building resilience, inclusive governance, and gender transformational change are anatomizing concepts that are integrated into all programmes across all sectors.

Our goal is to have a long-term influence at a large scale by

• Working with individuals and groups to increase awareness, self-esteem, confidence, and desires to improve their world, as well as to give them with the necessary information, skills, and capacities.

• Changing connections to solve persistent inequality in intimate relationships, family and social networks, markets, and community or citizen associations. We are constantly working to mend and activate these networks.

• Strengthening systems to boost government social investment provides us with the chance to integrate closely with systems and multiply effect at scale.

• Transformative change towards sustainable pathways requires more than a simple scaling-up of sustainability initiatives—it entails addressing these levers and leverage points to change the fabric of legal, political, economic and other social systems.

We hope to impact over 10 million people by 2030 through

• Scaling up and modifying tried-and-true models

• fostering social transformation

• Creating financially viable models

• Advocating for policy changes

• Beginning community-centeredv transformation

• Providing pathway to resourcesin order to construct sustainable models.

Education and Information Sharing

Using qualitative and quantitative information for programme strategic assessment and planning

Raah-e- Najaat's, with Education and Information Sharing (EIS) section generates responsible data to support the long-term and scalable operation of its numerous programmes across India. We are able to give responsible data and pace of direction to the many programmes being conducted in agricultural, financial inclusion, education, and health, as well as incidental initiatives on WASH, gender, value chain interventions, and more through evidence-based programme management. Our goal is to increase the system's data appetite and efficiency. This improves data consumption both qualitatively and statistically, leading to data-driven decision making. The continuous outcome measurement involves sample-based output and result data that is continued for rapid turnaround. An impartial team collects and analyses the data.

Our Initiatives

Obtaining information from units of analysis and reporting (all blocks and districts) as needed Utilizing multi-stage proportional random sampling with or without a systematic component at the household level to ensure representativeness The findings are capable of generating estimates, changes in forecasts over time, and predictors of such estimates in aggregated and disaggregated stratified analysis. Using vast sample sizes of 100 to 5,000 respondents Focus group meetings, key informant interviews, observations/ethnographies, and a human-centred design approach were used. A track record of delivering high-q