
We give a helping hand for WOMEN EMPOWERMENT


What is Women's Empowerment?

Women's empowerment may be characterized as boosting women's self-esteem, ability to make their own decisions, and right to influence societal change for themselves and others. It is directly related to female empowerment, which is a fundamental human right that is also critical to establishing a more peaceful and prosperous world. Women empowerment is frequently connected in Western nations with distinct historical stages of the women's rights movement. This movement is typically divided into three waves, with the first commencing in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when suffrage was a prominent component. The sexual revolution and the position of women in society were part of the 1960s' second wave. Third wave feminism is commonly regarded as having begun in the 1990s.

Women's empowerment and the promotion of women's rights have arisen as part of a broad worldwide movement that has continued to break new ground in recent years. Days like International Women's Empowerment Day are also gaining popularity. Despite significant advances, women and girls continue to confront prejudice and violence in every area of the world. Women's empowerment is important for the health and socioeconomic development of families, communities, and countries. Women may realise their greatest potential when they lead lives that are safe, fulfilling, and productive. They may contribute their abilities to the workforce while also raising happier and healthier children. They can also help power sustainable economies while benefiting society and humankind at large.

The state of women's empowerment worldwide

Gender equality is a fundamental human right, as well as a prerequisite for a peaceful and successful society. However, girls and women continue to confront severe obstacles globally. Women are often underrepresented in positions of authority and decision-making. They are paid unequally for equal labour, and they frequently encounter legal and other restrictions that limit their employment options. Girls and women are frequently regarded as less valued than males in poor countries. Instead of being sent to school, they are sometimes forced to do domestic chores at home or are married off for a dowry before they reach the age of majority. Every year, up to 12 million teenage females marry. While considerable progress has been made in certain regions of the world, there is still more work to be done to address the issues of gender inequality. Education is an important component of this empowerment. Girls who are educated can later in life pursue meaningful job and contribute to their country's economy. When they have eight years of schooling, they are also four times less likely to marry young, implying that they and their families are healthier.

Raah-e-Contribution Najaat's to Women's Empowerment

We believe that healthy, educated, and empowered women and girls can be change agents of future. When women and girls are supported, they have more opportunity to fight for their rights and for their communities. They can also advance in social position, which they can pass on to future generations. This implies that women's organizations, empowerment initiatives, and charities for women may acquire traction and contribute to a better society.

Raah-e-Najaat supports for women and girls.

  • sponsoring program. When you sponsor a girl, you not only assist provide a girl opportunity she would not have had otherwise, but her entire community benefits as well.
  • Helping girls and women gain advocacy skills at various phases of their lives so that they may effectively advocate for their own rights.
  • Working with communities, religion leaders, and governments to confront and reform harmful societal conventions that limit the potential of women and girls.
  • Raising awareness about the gender-related causes of ill health and well-being.
  • Empowering women and girls through water, sanitation, and hygiene, health and nutrition, livelihood training, and education initiatives in order to expand their opportunities and abilities to attain their full potential.

Our Focus Areas




Disaster Management

Working with Raah-e-Najaat means changing people's lives.

For over 15 years, generous Indians' gifts have made a meaningful impact for disadvantaged individuals living in difficult conditions across India and here at home. Thousands of individuals have been helped to establish a self-sustaining future full of opportunities, via everything from emergency aid in times of crisis to community-led programmes and advocacy activities. The lives of children, their families, and communities have been transformed via evidence-based development programmes and best practices acquired during decades of work, as well as frequent donations by sponsors.

Why include a charitable bequest in your Will?

Incorporating a bequest to Raah-e-Najaat into your Will is a powerful method to effect long-term change for the world's most vulnerable children. Generous Will supporters make a difference in children's lives by giving access to the most basic essentials of life, such as food, water, education, healthcare, and protection - basics that every kid deserves. Bequests to Raah-e-Najaat provide a life-changing legacy that can help improve the globe for future generations. Your bequest can be used to assist Raah-e-Najaat projects both abroad and in First Nations communities in India, with the funds going to the children and communities who need it the most. To learn more about leaving a gift in your Will, please contact our Bequests Team.

Contact us at info@raah-e-Najaat.com. - raah-e-najaat@yahoohotmail.com

You may reach us at +91 7671993991.

Please visit us at www.raah-e-najaat.com.

How can bequests to Raah-e-Najaat help?

By leaving a bequest to Raah-e-Najaat, you will be strengthening the ordinary marginalized population in India by assisting vulnerable children all over the world. Your bequest will be used to support long-term, but finite, projects aimed at providing communities with the resources they need to ensure their children have a complete life. This involves developing the skills and expertise of local leaders and community organizations so that they can continue the progress began by your assistance to initiate long-term development as Raah-e-Najaat marches forward.

Why is your support being so crucial?

Our work is mostly made possible by the generosity of Indians. We rely on individuals like you to give to our programmes and appeals so that we may deliver essential short- and long-term assistance to people all across the world.

Raah-e-najaat aligns with the SDG target of women's empowerment, taking the following method.

  • Eliminate all forms of public and private violence against women and girls, including trafficking and sexual and other forms of exploitation.
  • All detrimental practises, such as child, early, and forced marriage, and female genital mutilation, must be abolished.
  • Recognize and reward unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of public services, infrastructure, and social protection programmes, as well as the promotion of shared responsibility within the household and family, as appropriate at the national level.
  • Ensure women's full and effective involvement in political, economic, and public life, as well as equitable opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making.
  • Ensure that everyone has equal access to sexual and reproductive health care and reproductive rights.
  • In compliance with Indian legislation, implement changes to offer women equal rights to economic resources, including access to ownership and control over land and other kinds of property, financial services, inheritance, and natural resources.
  • Increase the use of enabling technology, particularly information and communication technology, to boost women's empowerment.
  • Adopt and enhance strong policies and enforced laws at all levels to promote gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.

You Can Donate for Following Causes

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Sponsor a Girl

Per Individual

Rs. 2,000(p.m)

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Sponsor Education

Per Individual

Rs. 2,000(p.m)

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Sponsor Healthcare

Per Individual

Rs. 1,000(p.m)

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Contribute to Our Projects

Making a donation is the ultimate sign of solidarity. Action speaks louder than words.

How you can help us

Just call at+91 7671993991 to make a donation