
We give a helping hand for Medical-Help


Pioneering the way in addressing healthcare issues in disadvantaged and marginalised communities

Health-care administration to ensure healthy lifestyles and promote well-being for all ages. Health and well-being are crucial at all stages of life, beginning with childhood. This objective encompasses all main health goals, including reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health; communicable and noncommunicable illnesses; universal health coverage; and access to safe, effective, high-quality medicines and vaccinations for everyone.

Following the SDG 3, we at Raah-e-Najaat strive to avoid undue suffering from preventable diseases and untimely mortality by concentrating on essential objectives that improve the overall health of a country's people. Priority areas are those with the largest disease burdens and underserved population groups and geographies. Goal 3 also asks for increased expenditures in R&D, health funding, and health risk reduction and management.

Our Objectives

Raah-e-Najaat has four important objectives that should consider in order to secure healthy lives and promote the well-being of all children:

  • Improve primary healthcare systems so that every kid may receive care
  • Priority should be given to maternal, neonatal, and child survival.
  • Prioritize the health and well-being of children and adolescents, particularly mental health.
  • Support solutions to lessen the effect of natural disasters, complex emergencies, and demographic transitions on children and families.

Raah-e-Najaat Health interventions aim to increase impoverished and marginalised groups' access to excellent healthcare services. We work at the individual, community, and systemic levels to develop new solutions and assist implement great healthcare services by understanding the fundamental causes of healthcare difficulties. Our work includes maternity and reproductive health, child health and nutrition, and the early detection and treatment of communicable illnesses.

Our Focus Areas




Disaster Management

Focus Areas

Supporting and improving the efforts of government and non-government systems to improve healthcare facility efficiency.

The Health System Strengthening initiatives are intended to combine capacity building and supportive supervision with cross-cutting approaches to digital health, gender-centric programming, continuous monitoring and learning, knowledge management, and innovation cells. The aims and programs areas are connected with the SDG framework, and they have a large-scale impact through advocacy, inclusive market-based approaches, community-centered initiatives, and scaling up and adapting established models.

Good Health and Wellbeing

Goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals aims to ensure health and well-being for all people at all stages of life. The Goal targets all main health concerns, including reproductive, maternal, and child health; communicable, noncommunicable, and environmental illnesses; universal health coverage; and universal access to safe, effective, high-quality medicines and vaccinations for everyone. It also asks for more research and development, higher health finance, and stronger ability in all nations to reduce and manage health risks.

Space technologies are critical in a variety of medical applications, including, but not limited to:

  • Studying disease epidemiology by increasing the use of spatial analysis to discover the ecological, environmental, and other elements that contribute to the development of vector-borne illnesses, monitoring disease trends, and identifying disease-control planning areas
  • addressing visual, cognitive, and disability assistance concerns
  • Monitoring aspects that have an impact on human health and well-being, such as air quality and traffic.
  • Using wearable monitoring technologies to aid in health promotion and disease prevention
  • Providing remote healthcare
  • Overall, space technology can help prevent individuals from slipping into poverty and help focus specialized assistance to those in need.

How you can help us

Just call at+91 7671993991 to make a donation